Friday, January 29, 2016

Operational Effects From Effective Data Management And Communication

Inter-connectivity between business organizations is becoming a requirement with the advancement of technologies and its effects on business efficiency. Different areas of each business tend to work in their own respect with their own systems. This in turn means that there is miscommunication and latency throughout these companies through just waiting for information to update. A perfect example of this is the social security office and the department of motor vehicles. At least forty-eight hours is necessary for information to be exchanged between these two organizations which function with the same data. This data is used their own software packages which are used to minimize operational costs.

It is easy in this big data world to purchase software to process all of the information. However, from an operational standpoint this approach could have unforeseen negative externalities. Pre-made templates and proprietary formats are just some of the ways software automation can get in the way of a business.

It is important for businesses to consider the operational costs of their choices in the future. Data warehousing and distributed data fabric are coming to be essential pieces to running a business which effectively communicates its data throughout the entire company. As MIS professionals it is necessary to take these concerns into consideration when working with our perspective companies. If implemented properly, it could take more time for the initial startup of the project but would be most effective for long term deployment.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure IBOR is the solution. Hard to imagine DMV and SSA investing in DevOps, but guessing they are dealing with legacy systems that just don't talk to each other. Interesting pdf, but Sapient must have some investment in IBOR to push that technology, right? The problem is still very important and hard to solve quickly, or without a cultural transformation.


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