The article above states the fact that the NSA has not thwarted a single act of terror in its lifetime. This article was published late in 2015. According to the John Oliver show, the NSA has stepped it up though, and managed to catch one transfer of a small amount of money intended for Al-Qaeda.
Of all the debates about whether the acts of the NSA are moral or constitutionally justified, I think that this fact right here should make the decision for many that the Patriot act should not be renewed this June. The Patriot Act was passed soon after 9/11 in hopes of preventing a tragedy like that from occurring again in the future. 15 years later, and after a significant expansion to the patriot act and the federal government’s capabilities, we are no safer than we were before the bill was passed. In fact, I would even argue that we are less safe after the passing of the Patriot Act. With the Federal Government now storing sensitive information, another access point is created for attackers trying to steal it.
While watching John Oliver’s segment I became increasingly frustrated as he played down his interview with Snowden. Snowden has permanently altered the path of his life for what he thinks is the benefit of informing his fellow citizens, and giving them the opportunity to protect their own freedom. Of course, this is a comedian’s way, and when the interview concluded, I understand another potential motive of Oliver that has nothing to do with being funny. As the segment showed, many Americans are uninformed when it comes this issue. Some are familiar with his name, and a general idea of what he did, but the majority we saw were misguided. I think that the problem is that our media fails to connect with all Americans. In pushing his “junk pic” analogy, I think Oliver enables more people to understand what is actually occurring, and what Snowden has risked his life to share with people.
Also, in all the interviews I’ve watched with Snowden, I thought he was very articulate and poised. I also believe that there were no anterior motives for his actions. He seems genuine that he acted in the best interest of all US citizens. I am grateful for what he has done, and all he has risked.
On an entirely different note, just wanted to say that I love Frontline! Aside from its obvious slant, it does a great job of getting to the bottom of pressing issues and informing us all. I wish more people would watch Frontline, then maybe people wouldn’t seem so uninformed in street corner interviews like in the John Oliver segment. NOVA is great too J!
Very well said. Yes, John Oliver was being funny, but he was also in the SAME ROOM as Ed Snowden, so that was pretty phenomenal. Snowden knew who John Oliver was and so let him say what he needed, but Snowden also tried to be himself, geeky academic that he is, and Oliver just tried to make his arguments easier to digest by the general public. Pure genius. But you are right, this is complicated stuff, and I got more out of the other documentaries. The problem is that most people don't read the news and watch Frontline. BUT, can't wait for the Snowden movie to come out!! The discussion will get triggered again, no doubt. :)