Monday, February 29, 2016

Instructions for TopCoder

I'm not exactly sure what part of the assignment was read, but on the TopCoder page on this blog. I thought I was pretty clear about what was expected for this assignment.  (It was also linked from the Assignment link on Bb.)  In those instructions, I specifically stated:
Because we are commenting and posting ideas on a blog, the goal is to be interactive (see Gee above). The questions posted are mostly to provide a way to respond to the case and other readings. Finally, please read what others wrote. Do your best not to post a "new" comment or post, if it has already been mentioned previously. Rather, add to the post/comment. Please consider the questions posted below, and address the ones you want to answer according to the cases, but also add your opinions and/or experiences.  You do not need to answer all of the questions; perhaps explore one or two in depth.  Comments count.
Given that this was the assignment,  and there were only a few comments to the posts, I'm going to deduct points if I find that comments were repeated from earlier ones posted.  Not sure what happened here, and except for a few of you, it is certainly not interactive.

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