Sunday, February 28, 2016

Top Coder brings Entreprenuers to Software Development

I think that Top Coder's method of of crowd sourcing brings something unique to the SDLC that is not commonly seen. I find surprisingly similar to a free enterprise system. The only difference that I can find between the two are that Top Coder specifies a specific problem for developers to solve, while a free enterprise system rewards those who both find a problem and create a solution. Both crowd sourcing and a free enterprise both reward those with money who can come up with the most efficient and effective way of solving a problem. With Top Coder's crowd sourcing method, I think they open the doors to an even greater amount of contributors by defining a problem. Many people struggle with being entrepreneurs since they cannot think on such a large scale, and work much better with defined task. With Top Coder, developers are given a defined task, but given the freedom to solve the problem on their own time and by whatever means they prefer. They have the same incentive to succeed as entrepreneurs; a fortune if they are successful. Except in this case, they do not lose their money if they do not succeed, only the time and effort they have spent.

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